Access Control

Get ultimate control over the ins and outs of your business with ABCA
If you need reliable and trouble-free control of access around your building, ABCA is the answer. No matter your needs or the size of your system, no matter whether you’re looking for telephone, video or computer-controlled access using magnetic or proximity readers, we’ll design and install a system which fits exactly to how you want to run and operate your business.
We have significant experience across both private and public sectors and within the sector of social housing. That means we can draw of significantly broad experience when designing and installing your system. Our many certifications and accreditations will also give you peace of mind that your Access Control System is provided and maintained to exceptional standards.
Systems that grow with you
Our systems will be designed for your needs now but be flexible to requirements of the future, so as you scale, change and adapt, your ABCA installation will change with you. That way, you’re insured for today and assured for tomorrow.
Flexible, stable and dependable door entry systems you can rely on
Whether you have a small building with one door, or a huge office block with multiple entrances, ABCA will be on-hand to design and install a system which never lets you down and never causes you disruption.
Our products look the part as well as act the part, and we can upgrade or replace existing systems if they are proving troublesome or not quite fit for purpose.